Mushroom on Salad

Toadstool Salad Recipe. Photo:


This toadstool inspired salad will help your kids eat more vegetables to get a balanced diet. Make more servings for the whole family so everyone is encouraged to eat healthy. Serve fresh and enjoy this fun salad mix.

Food Type

Vegetables, Eggs

Meal Type



1 hour


  • 2 Hardboiled eggs
  • 1 Large tomato
  • Lettuce
  • Cucumber
  • Mayo dressing


Step 1.

Make hardboiled eggs and peel off shell after cooling it down.

Step 2.

Slice the top and bottom part of the egg to make flat edges.

Step 3.

Prepare the veggies in the following order:

  • Wash the lettuce properly and shred in fine pieces
  • Wash and peel the cucumber. Slice in fine pieces.
  • Wash and slice the tomato in half.

Step 4.

Arrange the lettuce and cucumber on the salad plate or bowl.

Step 5.

Place the eggs on top of the green veggies. The chopped off edges will allow both to stand upright.

Step 6.

Place the ½ slice of tomato on top of each egg.

Step 7.

Use mayonnaise to dot the tomatoes on top of the eggs. The design will make it look like toadstools.

More Fun Ideas and Expansions

Create your own DIY salads using these expanded fun ideas:

  • If your kids are picky eaters, add more items like fruits and some bacon to encourage them to eat.

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