6 Common Health Issues in Pre-Schoolers

Ages three to five years old are active years for your children. Their inquisitive minds are full of wonders and they begin to enjoy playing outside, where they are exposed to a lot of things. Mild illnesses are part of your child’s growth and development. They develop anti-bodies to some viruses while other illnesses are just normal depending on the environmental conditions of where you live. There is nothing much you can do for your child to avoid them. Colds, for example, can be minimized by being extra cautious during the cold seasons and practicing good hygiene but you can never really stop your child from catching it.

Getting admitted to the hospital can also be very stressful to young kids.  It is helpful for parents to know about the infections and ailments most common to children in pre-school. The most useful part is learning how to treat them at home, if possible. Before doing so, it is always best to consult your General Practitioner about your child’s health. Getting a trusted doctor is essential to keeping your family healthy and happy.

Here is a quick guide to some of the most common health issues in young children.

 1. Colds

This is the most common illness for everyone, especially kids. Viruses can infect the nose and throat, causing sneezing and runny noses. Your child is likely to catch this at least once a month, but that does not mean that he has a weak immune system. There hundreds of many different viruses out there exposed to your child to which he develops immunity over time.

Colds are best treated at home with lots of fluid and a few days of rest until it goes away.

 2. Conjunctivitis

A sore eye is caused by an infection in the lining of the eyeball called Conjunctivitis. Symptoms include redness, puffiness and stickiness of the eyes. There are 2 types of conjunctivitis—one that is allergic which is not contagious, and the other is bacterial which is transmittable.

It is best to consult your doctor to verify which of type of conjunctivitis you child has and how to treat it.

 3. Diarrhea

This is most common in children who experience frequent and watery stool. Diarrhea can be caused by either a viral, bacterial or parasitic infection. It can also be a side effect from taking antibiotics.

Since Diarrhea can last from a few days up to one week, your child will lose so much of his body fluids which can lead to dehydration. It is important to make them drink lots of liquid and continue eating healthy foods to keep them hydrated.

 4. Worms

Kids within this age group often experience red and itchy bottoms. It is a normal symptom of having worms caused by dirty hands and clothes. They are easy to prevent by practicing good hygiene; washing hands often and washing clothes & linens properly.

When treating worms, it is advisable to treat your child and the rest of the family at the same time. Visit your local pharmacy for antiparasitic tablets.

 5. Allergies

Allergies are the initial reaction of the immune system to substances called allergens. Most common allergies come from dust, pollen, insects, food and even medicines. It is best to consult your doctor if your child experiences an allergic reaction for the first time.

If your child is having an allergy attack, use medicines that are only prescribed by his physician.

 6. Asthma

This condition is common to countries with tropical climates. Given the warm and humid conditions, asthma triggers such as dust and molds thrive in such environment. Studies have also shown that asthma can be caused by hereditary factors.

If your child has instances of short breathing after a strenuous activity, consult your doctor to verify this is asthma and a management plan to cope up with asthma attacks.


It is not wrong to plan ahead for your child’s health as he is growing up. Frequent visits to the doctor while he is young are necessary to make sure that he is monitored properly. Immunizations should be completed during his first two years. At home, practicing good hygiene and healthy eating habits is very important. Keeping the house clean is also essential to the health and well-being of the whole family.

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