Parents’ Guide to Child Immunization

Immunization happens after the body is exposed to a vaccine of common childhood diseases such as measles, chicken pox and diphtheria. Vaccinations are administered by health professionals as early as 2 months to protect children. Because vaccinations are in place, common illnesses have dropped dramatically. These diseases show up so rarely nowadays that parents have become wary if vaccines are still necessary for their kids.

Fact check: The diseases prevented by vaccines still exist in the world although they hardly occur these days.

Vaccinations continue to play a vital role in the health and safety of children. However, misinformation about vaccines could result to parents ditching the idea of immunizing their kids. This puts not only their child in danger, but also others who are at risk of acquiring diseases that may lead to death.

In this article, we aim to provide better understanding about vaccines. We will discuss the risks and benefits of getting immunizations through the most common questions asked by parents.


Q: What are vaccines and what do they do?

A: Vaccines are used to prepare the body to combat diseases. Each vaccine contains weakened bacteria of certain disease that when injected, antibodies are formed so we may never contact infection of such disease in the future. This body response is permanent that it is highly unlikely for us to get sick of the same illness. Hence, our body becomes immune.

Q: Will the vaccine trigger the disease to my child when injected?

A: It is impossible to acquire the disease from a vaccine of dead virus or bacteria. Vaccines that use part of weakened live bacteria may develop a mild form of the infection onto the child. However, it will be much less severe than getting sick from the disease-causing bacteria itself. It will only pose problems to children with a very weak immune system such as kids who are already being treated for cancer.

Studies have shown that the risk of getting sick from vaccines is very small to zero. Take for example the Polio vaccine. The use of a killed virus known as IPV or Inactivated Polio Vaccines has successfully eliminated the chance of acquiring the disease as caused by the immunization.

Q: Will relying on vaccination weaken my child’s immune system?

A: No, getting vaccinated against one illness does not weaken the response of your child’s immune system to another disease. The advantage of getting immunizations is the production of antibodies against a specific virus or bacteria whether your child is exposed to it naturally or through another vaccine.

Q: Is it okay to get many immunizations at once?

A: Yes. That is why doctors use an immunization schedule that has been proven safe and effective for so many years to children all over the world. Some parents who choose their child to space out from getting vaccines increase the likelihood of their babies to get sick. Doctors recommend for babies to complete their vaccinations starting at the age of 2 months.


The ultimate question from parents is why their babies need vaccinations if they are not 100% effective. Through a lot of research and consideration from health professionals, vaccines are put in place to help reduce the risk of the whole population from acquiring lethal diseases from 85% to 99%. They have been proven to be very effective, time and time again. It is painful for a parent to watch their babies getting shots however, short-lived pain is nothing compared to the potential pain your kids may suffer from deadly illnesses.

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