Taking care of your child’s teeth is important in keeping her well-balanced and healthy. Baby tooth eventually fall out when they reach 6 years old but until then, strong teeth helps your child to bite and chew nutritious food they need to eat every day and supports them to speak clearly. Throughout their childhood, there are 2 main dental activities parents should expect and be cautious of.
Falling Out of Milk Teeth
Between ages 6 and 11 years old, your child’s full set of teeth will start to come loose one by one. Most of these teeth wall fall out on its own. However, if pain and bleeding exists, or when the permanent tooth erupts before the old one is lost, make an appointment with the dentist and have it checked out. This is to avoid infection and damage to the permanent tooth.
There are bacteria that live on our teeth that cause damage like cracks and holes. Cavities build up when sugar-filled foods stay in the mouth for a long period of time. Bacteria feast on tiny food bits and eats away tooth enamel. Saliva is capable of washing away the plaque acids in between meals. However, if you have an active child who need to eat several times a day, these acids do not have enough time to be washed away.
Teaching your child to observe good dental hygiene is a good investment that will pay off with healthy teeth and gums until he grows old. Getting young kids to brush their teeth daily is a challenge but there are many ways for parents to make it more fun to value proper oral care. Brushing together with your children is one way of encouraging and showing them the importance of taking care of our teeth. Letting your child choose his own toothbrush is a good example as well.
Here are 5 easy steps to follow towards healthy teeth and gums, not only for your children, but for the whole family.
- Brush teeth twice a day. Use ADA accepted fluoride toothpaste that is capable of removing plaque, the sticky coating on our teeth that is the main cause of cavities and tooth decay.
- Flossing removes plaque stuck in between teeth and beneath the gum line. Floss every day to prevent plaque from hardening which can only be removed by professional dental cleaning.
- Eat a well-balance diet composed of healthy food that will help strengthen your teeth. Limit intake of food high in starch and sugar. If you eat such deserts, bring them into your meal and brush your teeth as scheduled.
- Use dental products that have fluoride, especially toothpaste. Fluoride is one of the best methods to help prevent tooth decay. The mineral combines with the teeth’s enamel as reinforcement against cavities.
- Get your family a good dentist whom you can trust with your children’s dental healthcare. Most kids are afraid of sitting on a dentist’s chair. Thus, it will be an advantage if your family dentist has connection with young children and encourages a great dental experience.
Parents are consistent role models of children. Hence, it is your responsibility to build a strong foundation of healthy permanent teeth by establishing proper oral habits. Create a daily routine that will practice brushing and eating of healthy good to avoid cavities and keep the teeth strong.